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User Software & Computing

Open Science Grid (OSG):

For the latest about the open science grid, see the links for:

Remainder of the page below from January 2008 left for historical purposes.

U.S. CMS Grid

The US CMS Grid is part of the WorldWide LHC Computing Grid for LHC science analysis. The US CMS grid environment is part of the Open Science Grid infrastructure. The national and international grid infrastructures such as OSG and the LHC Computing Grid Project provide the basis for the Worldwide CMS computing system. The USCMS Grid software infrastructure is a collaboration across CMS, with the Fermilab Computing Division, with other physics groups in the US and with computer scientists at various universities.

Getting Started Guide (CMS LPC) How to get started on the Open Science Grid
http://helpdesk.fnal.gov For user support on US CMS Grid Infrastructure
http://helpdesk.fnal.gov For support of US CMS Grid Infrastructure on Tier-2 sites
osg-general@opensciencegrid.org Mail list for non-Tier-1/Tier-2 Support on Open Science Grid
Site and VO Policy For Grid sites supporting the US CMS Virtual Organization
VOMS and GUMS configuration For Grid sites supporting the US CMS Virtual Organization

Grid Services

VO Privilege software Joint effort by US CMS, SDSS, and iVDGL at Fermilab

LHC Computing Grid Project

  The US CMS Tier-1 Center has Compute and Storage sites that are part of the LHC Project Computing Grid software infrastructure

Contributions to the Open Science Grid

Integration US CMS contributes to the OSG Integration Grid and activities. The web site has a lot of helpful documentation available.
Operations The US CMS Support Center is part of OSG Operations.
Validation US CMS contributes a daily validation service to the OSG software maintainers.
WMS Evaluation US CMS evaluation of Workload Management Systems for CMS and OSG.
Webmaster | Last modified: Thursday, 19-Apr-2018 10:25:46 CDT