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User Software and Computing

System Status for CMS LPC

  • LPC Landscape monitoring, authenticate with CMS Grid certificate
    • Includes overall LPC batch job summary, user batch jobs, and EOS status
    • Note that this system has an excellent help, showing many customizable features
    • You can click on the orange swirl in the upper left, and the arrow to door icon in bottom left to login with your Fermilab services username and password to customize your landscape view.

  • Condor Batch System including CRAB and CMS Connect for the T3

  • SSI Metrics - monitor interactive nodes, EOS FSTs, and condor worker nodes - accessible onsite at FNAL only
  • News and downtimes on the cms_uaf_users listserv

  • Fermilab system status, login with Fermilab SSO: reports fnal email, listserv, and other Fermilab-based system monitoring
    • Major power downtimes, such as the one that was on July 20 - July 21, 2018: Fermilab updates can be found in the knowledgebase link that is provided in advance of the downtime, as well as on FNALServiceDesk twitter - the links would not require a Fermilab Services password. Note that dedicated CMSLPC scientific computing information is sent to the listservs listed above.

External Status Monitors


Webmaster | Last modified: Monday, 24-Mar-2025 13:29:43 CDT