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Getting a Personal Certificate from CERN


Open Safari and go to https://ca.cern.ch/ca/. Click "New User certificate"

You will be prompted to sign in:
After doing so, you will be asked to verify your identity by providing your password and your birth date:
Fill the information and click "Next". Follow the instructions on the new page and click "Submit"
Once you are notified that your new certificate is ready, click on the link provided to download your certificate to your MacBook.
On your MacBook, open Keychain Access:
Go to the "File" menu, and click on "Import Items..."
Navigate to the location where your certificate was downloaded to:
select your certificate, the Destination Keychain (in this case "login") and click "Open". Once imported, your certificate will appear under "My Certificates" category for the Keychain selected on the previous step.
Your certificate should now be available to Safari.

Webmaster | Last modified: Tuesday, 06-Oct-2020 14:58:39 CDT