Research Program Office/Management
Software & Computing: SCOP Reviews
Fermilab Software and Computing Oversight Panel Review of the U.S. CMS Software and Computing Project October 25-27, 2001
Review of the status the U.S. CMS Software and Computing Project
Report to Fermilab Project Oversight and Project Management
See Charge to the SCOP
Agenda | Logistics | Attendees | Documentation | Summary |
Tentative Agenda: (email suggestions to
Copies of the slides presented will be available for the meeting.
Thursday October 25, 2001
Start of Meeting 3pm Chicago Time (other time zones) , 2:45pm Video Setup
Time | Topic | Speaker or Discussion Coordinator |
3:00 pm | Executive Session: Initial discussion, reading session (see Documentation) |
Chair | 60' |
4:00 pm | Welcome, Charge to Committee | Mike Shaevitz | 15' |
4:15 pm | Project Overview and General Issues for the Review (slides) |
LATBauerdick | 60' |
5:15 pm | Discussions, Closed Session, if needed |
Panel, Project Manager | <90' |
7:00 pm | Dinner at Chez Leon | Panel, Speakers |
Friday October 26, 2001
Start of Meeting 9am Chicago Time (other time zones) , 8:45pm Video Setup
Time | Topic | Speaker or Discussion Coordinator |
9:00 pm | Executive Session (closed) | Chair | 15' |
9:15 am | Status of CMS Software and Computing (slides) | David Stickland | 35'+10' |
10:00 am | Status and Plans Core Application Software Subproject (slides) |
Ian Fisk | 45'+15' |
11:00 am | Coffee | 30' | |
11:30 am | Status and Plans User Facilities Subproject (slides) |
Vivian O'Dell | 45'+15' |
12:30 pm | Lunch | 60' | |
1:30 pm | LHC Computing at CERN and Elsewhere (slides) |
Matthias Kasemann | 25'+5' |
2:00 pm | Physics Reconstruction and Selection and User Facilities (slides) |
Sarah C Eno | 25'+5' |
2:30 pm | Architecture and Framework Near Term Technical Issues (slides) |
David Stickland | 25'+5' |
3:00 pm | U.S. CMS Distributed Computing for Physics Tier-2 Centers, Grid R&D, Networks (slides) |
Irwin Gaines | 25'+5' |
3:30 pm | Summary (slides) | LATBauerdick | 25'+5' |
4:00 pm | Coffee | 30' | |
4:30 pm | Executive Session (closed) | Panel | 60' |
5:30 pm | Questions to Project Management | Panel, Management | 30' |
6:00 pm | Adjourn |
Saturday October 27, 2001
Start of Meeting 9am Chicago Time (other time zones) , 8:45pm Video Setup
Time | Topic | Speaker or Discussion Coordinator |
9:00 am | Answers to Questions to Management | Management | 30' |
9:30 am | Closed Session, Drafting of Report | 60' | |
10:30 am | Coffee | 30' | |
11:00 am | Closed Session, Drafting of Report | 90' | |
12:30 pm | Close Out Session | 30' | |
1:00 pm | Adjourn |
All the sessions will take place at Fermilab in Wilson Hall,
in the Black Hole Conference Room (2nd floor, next to west side elevator)
Video on VRVS in the Moon virtual room.
Dinner on Thursday night 7pm at Chez Leon, menu see here.
Committee Members:
Name | Institution | |
Edward C Blucher, Chair | | U.Chicago |
Charles T Boeheim | | SLAC |
James Branson | | UC San Diego |
Joel Butler | | Fermilab |
Pere Mato | | CERN |
Donald L Petravick | | Fermilab |
Wolfgang von Rüden | | CERN |
Torre Wenaus | | BNL |
Name | Institution | |
Lothar A T Bauerdick | | Fermilab |
Sarah C Eno | | U Maryland |
Ian Fisk | | UC San Diego |
Irwin Gaines | | Fermilab |
Matthias Kasemann | | Fermilab |
Vivian O'Dell | | Fermilab |
David Stickland | | Princeton U |
Project Documentation:
Recent Reports | 4th Quarter FY2001 -- to be released this week FY2001 3rd Quarter FY2001 2nd Quarter FY2001 1st Quarter |
WBS and Schedule, PMP | Modified WBS for UF and CAS Subprojects -- Project WBS -- Web Format using XProject Project Management Plan v. 1.01 |
NSF Proposal | Draft v. 1.3 |
Technical Documentation | CHEP paper on Interactive Analysis Architecture and
Framework CHEP paper on IGUANA Graphics Toolkit IGUANA Tutorial CMS ROOT I/O Workshop Conclusions CHEP paper on XML and Detector Description Database Note on Calorimeter Code Architecture CHEP paper on CMS Grid Activities in the U.S. CMS Note on CMS Data Grid Requirements Note on CMS PPDG work, MOP, a system for Monte Carlo Distributed Production |
Links to UF Related Pages | Disk Project Web Page July LHC Common Projects for UF Workshop Web Page CMS Production at FNAL Web Page |
Previous SCOP Reviews | SCOP Review May 2001 SCOP Review October 2000 Report |
Previous DOE/NSF Reviews | DOE/NSF Status Report Meeting May 2001 DOE/NSF Review November 2000 |
Last updated
Oct 25, 2001 final version
Oct 24, 2001 links to presentations added
Oct 23, 2001 Added link to XProject WBS (preliminary version)
Oct 23, 2001 Fixed table not displaying on certain browsers
Oct 23, 2001 Corrected link to MOP document, added UF links, modified Charge to
Oct 22, 2001 WBS for UF included
Oct 22, 2001 by LATBauerdick.