Research Program Office/Management
Software & Computing: SCOP Reviews
Fermilab Software and Computing Oversight Panel (SCOP)
Review of the U.S. CMS Software and Computing Project
January 13-14, 2005
Agenda | Logistics | Attendees | Documentation
Copies of the slides presented will be available for the meeting.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Start of Meeting 9:00 am Chicago Time (other time zones)
Time | Title | Speaker | Duration |
8:30 AM |
Video Setup | ||
9:00 AM |
Executive Session (closed) | Panel | 30' |
9:30 AM | Introduction | LAT Bauerdick | 5' |
9:35 AM | CMS Status and U.S. CMS Research Program [slides] | Dan Green | 20' + 10' |
10:05 AM | Needs of and interactions with the LPC [slides] | Avi Yagil | 20' + 5' |
10:30 AM |
20' | |
10:50 AM | Project Overview [slides] | LAT Bauerdick | 50' + 10' |
11:50 AM | CMS Computing and Core Software Status [slides] | Bob Clare | 15' + 5' |
12:10 PM | U.S. CMS Software Development and Support [slides] | Liz Sexton-Kennedy | 15' + 5' |
12:30 PM | Data Organization, Computing Model and Application Services [slides] | Ian Fisk | 15' + 5' |
12:50 PM |
70' | |
2:00 PM | U.S. CMS Computing and Tier-2 Program [slides] | Ian Fisk | 25' + 5' |
2:30 PM | Tier-1 Facility Ramping to Start of Physics [slides] | Jon Bakken | 25' + 5' |
3:00 PM | Grid Services, Interactions with Open Science Grid [slides] | Ruth Pordes | 25' + 5' |
3:30 PM | Budget and Staffing [slides] | LAT Bauerdick | 10' + 5' |
3:45 PM |
15' | |
4:00 PM | Breakouts -- if requested | 60' | |
5:00 PM | Executive Session (closed) | Panel | 75' |
6:15 PM | Questions to CMS | Panel | 15' |
6:30 PM | Cocktails, Dinner | All |
Friday, January 14, 2005
Start of Meeting 9:00 am Chicago Time (other time zones)
Time | Title | Speaker | Duration |
9:00 AM | CMS Response to Questions | 60' | |
10:00 AM | Executive Session (closed): Report Writing | Panel | 120' |
12:00 PM |
60' | |
1:00 PM |
Closeout | 60' | |
2:00 PM |
All the sessions will take place at Fermilab in Wilson Hall, in the Racetrack conference room on the 7th floor crossover. Coffee breaks will be next to the conference room. VRVS is in the Ocean virtual room.
Dinner for invited participants will be Thursday night starting at 6:30 pm, Wilson Hall 15th floor Southeast.
Please contact Marilyn Smith at 630 840 3234 for assistance with logistics.
Committee Members:
Name | Institution |
Stu Fuess, Chair | Fermilab |
Bob Cousins |
Sarah C. Eno |
Maryland |
Grandi |
Mark Kaletka |
Fermilab |
Dave Morrison |
Don Petravick |
Fermilab |
Marjorie Shapiro |
Paul Sheldon |
Vanderbilt |
Name | Institution |
Jon Bakken | Fermilab |
Lothar A T
Bauerdick |
Fermilab |
Robert Clare | UC Riverside |
Ian Fisk |
Fermilab |
Dan Green |
Fermilab |
Ruth Pordes |
Fermilab |
Liz Sexton-Kennedy | Fermilab |
Avi Yagil | Fermilab |
Project Documents |
Project Work Plan (to be released) [WBS] Project Status Report FY04Q4 [pdf] Project Management Plan [pdf] Request for Proposals for U.S. CMS Tier-2 Sites [pdf] ASCB Retreat Meeting on U.S. CMS Tier-2 Centers [URL] Proposal to the NSF for the U.S. CMS Research Program (coming soon) [pdf] LHC Physics Center Related Documentation [URL] Glossary of Acronyms [pdf] |
Milestone Related |
CMS Software and Computing |
Report of Data Management Requirements and Technical Assessment Group [pdf] CMS Computing Model Document for the LHCC [pdf] Proposed re-engineering of the CMS Software Framework [pdf] |
Grids and LCG |
Grid3 Lessons Learned [pdf] Open Science Grid Charta [pdf] Open Science Grid Blueprint Document [pdf] Open Science Grid Security Incident Handling and Response Guide [pdf] LCG Service Challenges for 2004 [pdf] LCG Grid Deployment Area Steering and Planning Group [pdf] LCG User Registration and VO Membership Management [pdf] |
SCOP Review January 2004 and Report pdf SCOP Review October 2002 SCOP Review October 2001 SCOP Review May 2001 Report SCOP Review October 2000 |
DOE/NSF Status Report Meeting July 2004 DOE/NSF Review January 2004 DOE/NSF Status Report Meeting July 2003 DOE/NSF Review January 2003 and Report pdf DOE/NSF Status Report Meeting June 2002 DOE/NSF Review November 2001 DOE/NSF Status Report Meeting May 2001 DOE/NSF Review November 2000 Report DOE/NSF Baselining Review November 2001 |
Last Updated: 11/21/2007 13:22:18 1/12/05